Susan Smith Jones

Susan Smith Jones


Susan Smith Jones, PhD, has assisted thousands of people in becoming more aware of how their food and lifestyle choices affect their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. For 30 years, Susan taught students, staff, and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit. She's an author, motivational speaker, and holistic health consultant, and was selected as one of 10 "Healthy American Fitness Leaders" by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports. A gifted teacher, Susan brings together modern research and ageless wisdom in all of her work.



Past Shows:

  • Climate Change & Extinction / Positive Attitude & Well Being

    Prof. Peter Ward discussed mass extinction and major changes in the oceans. Followed by author Susan Smith Jones on how to start the new year on a positive note.More »
  • Psychology of Prisoners / Realizing Your Potential

    Author Robert Allyn Goldman shared his insights and suggestions for reform after working in a prison. Followed by educator Susan Smith Jones on using the law of attraction and positive affirmations.More »
  • Men in Black

    British ufologist Nick Redfern discussed his research into the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon, in which he looked at numerous cases from the start of UFO sightings to the present day. The first report of Men in Black was associated with Albert Bender, who was studying UFOs in the...More »
  • Man-Made Monsters

    Author Dr. Bob Curran discussed various types of man-made monsters, both in history and folklore, as well as current technological advances leading to the creation of an army of "unstoppable" soldiers. First hour guest, author and motivational speaker Susan Smith Jones...More »
  • Cayce's Prophecies & Insights

    Director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., John Van Auken discussed the "Sleeping Prophet's" visions for the future, as well as his insights into such topics as the Mayans, Egypt, Atlantis, dreaming, and health remedies. Last hour guest, author and speaker Susan Smith Jones talked...More »
  • Gods, UFOs, and the Bible

    Theologian and author Patrick Cooke discussed how his research counters Erich von Daniken's notion that aliens have been mistaken for gods. Cooke contends that gods have been mistaken for aliens. Powerful gods or "Elohiym" traveled to Earth in spacecraft or UFOs; also associated...More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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