J.P. Levasseur is a member of the Society for Planetary Research (SPSR) and a veteran instructor of math and science at Northern Maine Community College. He received a baccalaureate degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maine and a master’s degree in education from Antioch University. He began his research of Mars in the mid-nineties and coauthored the paper "Face-like Feature at West Candor Chasma, Mars - MGS Image AB108403" with Dr. Horace Crater that was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2002. He has just completed a new paper with coauthors George Haas, William Saunders, and Dr. Horace Crater which will be presented at the Space Technologies and Applications International Form (STAIF) in April of 2014. He is also a musician, handyman, author, and student of science.