Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart


Lynne McTaggart, bestselling author, investigative journalist, and New Thought leader, is one of the central authorities on the new science of consciousness, the award-winning author of seven books, including international bestsellers The Field, The Intention Experiment, and The Power of Eight, and the architect of the Intention Experiments, a web-based ‘global laboratory’ testing the power of intention.

As editorial director of the international publication What Doctors Don’t Tell You and Get Well, the international health expo, Lynne showcases the most promising and well-proven holistic treatments. She is consistently listed as one of the world’s 100 most spiritually influential people. 



Past Shows:

  • Health Freedom / Intention Experiments

    Constitutional litigator Jonathan Emord and Dr. Robert Verkerk discussed natural health advocacy, and the need for a shift toward informed consumer choice. Followed by author Lynne McTaggart on intention experiments.More »
  • Strengthening Infrastructure / Intention Experiments

    Historian William R. Forstchen shared updates on his ongoing campaign to bolster energy and communications infrastructure. Followed by author Lynne McTaggart on the power of intention.More »
  • Parole & Sirhan Sirhan / Intention & Time

    Jen Abreu with Redemption Row and attorney Denise Bohdan discussed the Sirhan Sirhan case and advocated for his parole. Followed by Author Lynne McTaggart on the power of intention, and how it works 'out of time.'More »
  • JFK Assassination / Dead Sea Scroll Revelations

    JFK assassination expert James DiEugenio and director Oliver Stone discussed their new documentary on JFK and how it has been received. Followed by Hebrew scholar Dr. Ken Hanson on newly discovered Dead Sea Scrolls.More »
  • Afghanistan War / Intention Experiments

    Journalist David Loyn discussed the strategies and failures of the war in Afghanistan. Followed by author Lynne McTaggart on intention experiments and healing the past.More »
  • Millennial Leadership & Moses / Managing COVID

    Ian Punnett discussed his new book on millennial leadership in relation to the ancient prophet Moses. Followed by Lynne McTaggart with her analysis of COVID information and treatments.More »
  • Coronavirus Analysis / Intention Experiments

    Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai offered analysis of coronavirus and our responses. Followed by Lynne McTaggart on group intention, and ways to slow the pandemic.More »
  • Gun Rights / Intention Experiments

    Mark Walters spoke about gun rights activism. Followed by Lynne McTaggart on the power of group intention.More »
  • Ancestral Clearing / Alternative Health Censorship

    John Newton talked about his work in ancestral clearing. Lynne McTaggart discussed the censorship of alternative health websites.More »
  • Health News/ Healing Power Of Eight

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed natural healing without using modern medicine. Lynne McTaggart described the miraculous power of group intention.More »
  • A.I. Advances/ The Power of Intention

    Bart Kosko discussed North Korean threats and A.I.Lynne McTaggart revealed her experiments with group intention.More »
  • Narcissism / Intention Experiments

    In the first half, Professor at the University of Georgia, W. Keith Campbell, discussed the epidemic of narcissism in our culture. He defined narcissism as having a grandiose or inflated sense of self-- being a "legend in your own mind," and thinking that you're better than...More »
  • Personal Oracles / Intention Experiments

    In the first half, spiritual teacher Ann Bolinger-McQuade shared how to identify the signs and signals which she calls personal oracles that can guide us along life's journeys. In the latter half, researcher Lynne McTaggart discussed the evidence of how working together is...More »
  • Healing Intention Experiments

    Science and spirituality expert Lynne McTaggart discussed her new blueprint for how to fix our falling down world, and her past healing intention experiments, as well as presented a historic Heal America Intention Experiment during the live broadcast. We've created a world that...More »
  • Human Connections

    Author and researcher Lynne McTaggart argued that by working together in groups rather than as individuals, we can yield the greatest benefits. In the West, many are trained to believe in the survival of the fittest, but actually "we are wired to care, share, and be fair. And...More »
  • Crop Circles & Anomalies

    Appearing during the middle two hours, crop circle expert Simeon Hein discussed anomalous energies and haywire equipment he experienced during trips to crop formations. In the first hour, writer Lynne McTaggart talked about some of the science behind Dan Brown's new...More »
  • Power of Intention

    Appearing during all four hours of the show, author and researcher Lynne McTaggart reported on the ongoing results of various mind-over-matter/intention experiments that she's helped organize and conduct. In an experiment developed by Dr. Gary Schwartz, an audience was able to...More »
  • Mind-Over-Matter Experiments

    Researcher Lynne McTaggart returned to report on the on-going results of global mind-over-matter experiments ( that she has sponsored. Because of the way subatomic structures function, the world is not as fixed or final as it might seem, and living...More »
  • Intention Experiments

    Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment and sponsor of the associated experiments, talked about the power of intention to alter lives and change the world.More »
  • The Science of Intention

    Art is joined by researcher Lynne McTaggart for a discussion of her new work on the science of intention, and how it relates to healing and consciousness.More »
  • Quantum Science & Medicine

    Journalist and author Lynne McTaggart discussed how a unifying quantum energy or "field" connects the universe, and shared various pieces of scientific evidence that relate to this theory. We can train our brains for extra-human potential, she reported. For instance, by...More »
  • Intent and 'The Field'

    Researcher Lynne McTaggart discussed the Zero Point energy field, a potential power source she called a "cosmic free lunch," if it could be tapped into. Such energy systems also relate to intent and psychic experimentation, she noted, adding that it has been demonstrated that...More »
  • Dangers of Fluoride

    Editor of the newsletter, What Doctors Don't Tell You, Lynne McTaggart laid out the dangers of fluoride use which have been generally ignored by health professionals and communities at large. "It's a rat poison," McTaggart said of fluoride which is added to the water supply of...More »
  • Tapping into The Field

    Lynne McTaggart, an investigative journalist, spoke about a unifying concept of the universe in her appearance on Tuesday's show. Based on her study of various "frontier" scientists, McTaggart keyed in on the Zero Point field as a connecting force for all of life. This subatomic...More »
  • Richard Dolan / Lynne McTaggart

    Richard Dolan is a UFO researcher and author, "UFO and the National Security State".McTaggart, an investigative journalist, describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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