Joe Meyer

Joe Meyer


Joseph E. Meyer is a 45 year + Wall Street veteran and is president of Meyer and Associates and is editor of the macro economic and financial newsletter Straight Money Analysis. He began his investing career in 1966 as a public investor and has been part of the Equity Markets for over 50 years. Mr. Meyer has appeared with Coast to Coast AM since 2004 and has appeared on ABC, NBC and CBS News and has been quoted in Foreign Policy magazine and Forbes. Mr Meyer is also a Securities Law Expert witness and a Arbitrator / Mediator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority . FINRA is the largest independent regulator of Securities firms doing business in the United States.


Past Shows:

  • Buddy Holly Plane Crash

    In the middle two hours, Gary W. Moore discussed the Buddy Holly plane crash. First-hour guest, Joe Meyer reported on the volatile economy.More »
  • Investments & Economy/ Parallel Universes

    Joe Meyer charted a path for careful investors. Dr. Bruce Goldberg discussed parallel universes and how to change frequencies for spiritual growth.More »
  • Thanksgiving Secret Door II

    On this festive night, George Noory tried to guess the identity of four surprise guests who were behind the secret door.More »
  • Economic Predictions/ Communing with Archangels

    In the first half, longtime stock market analyst Joe Meyer shared what he sees on the economic horizon for the rest of 2016 and beyond. In the latter half, former scientistBelinda Womack spoke about her spiritual path communicating with the 12 archangels, and how we can...More »
  • Financial Outlook/ Cryptozoology

    In the first half, former NASDAQ arbitrator and long-time stock market analyst, Joe Meyer, discussed why he believes there's a lot to be positive about amid all the bearish sentiment in the economy, including good values in the energy and precious metals markets. In the...More »
  • The Power of Fungi

    John B. Wells was joined by fungi expert, Paul Stamets, who discussed how mushrooms can enhance the health of our forests, gardens, and bodies. In the first hour, financial analyst Joseph Meyer provided an update on the economy and argued that the US should return to the gold...More »
  • Angel Wars

    Guest host John B. Wells (email) welcomed author and researcher Steve Quayle, who discussed the secret powerful forces aligned against humanity since ancient times, and how genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics are permanently changing the world for better or worse. In the...More »
  • Economic Outlook

    During the first half of the show, stock market analyst Joe Meyer, who predicted our current economic woe on C2C in 2004, shared his investment tips and strategies. Third hour guest, Tom Lumbrazo talked about his interactions with angels and spirit guides, which began after...More »
  • Economic Warfare

    In the first half of the show, business and energy journalist, James R. Norman discussed the geopolitical maneuvering of various countries as they engage in what he calls economic warfare. Third hour guest, financial analyst Joseph Meyer offered forecasts on the economy.More »
  • Economic Forecast 2010

    Ian Punnett welcomed experts in finance and the economy, including Gerald Celente, Joseph Meyer, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Robert Chapman, to discuss the outlook in 2010 for markets, commodities, and the U.S. Dollar.More »
  • Economic Meltdown & Spiricom Fraud

    Due to technical difficulties caused by a tropical storm in the Philippines, Art Bell was live for only the first half of Friday's show. In hour one, financial advisor Joe Meyer provided an update on the current economic meltdown. Then, Art spoke with paranormal investigator Dr....More »
  • America's Economic Crisis

    In a 4-hour special on America's economic problems, Rollye James spoke separately with four financial experts. First up was author and radio host Andre Eggelletion who discussed problems with the Federal Reserve and its historical background. The Fed has lost some of its ability...More »
  • Cursed Calls & More

    After reading the purportedly true story, Cursed by the Witch, George offered a 'Cursed' hotline during Open Lines for callers who believe they have been cursed or who have ever wanted to place a curse on someone else.More »
  • The Federal Reserve Bank

    Entrepreneur and radio talk show host Andre Eggelletion shared his insights into the Federal Reserve System, which he characterized as a privately owned banking cartel. The privatization of our money system, first begun in 1913, is one of America's prime causes of economic...More »
  • Psychic Forecasts

    Controversial intuitive Sean David Morton talked about hurricanes, the upcoming US presidential election, the war in Iraq, and several other topics. Morton said the intense hurricanes that have plagued the southeastern United States this year are only the beginning of a cycle of...More »
  • Economic Armageddon

    Joe Meyer, an arbitrator and mediator for the NASD and NYSE, discussed the probability of a worldwide financial meltdown looming in our future. What could be some of the contributing factors of the coming economic Armageddon? Consumer debt is a big problem. Meyer said,...More »

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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