Jeffrey Phillips

Jeffrey Phillips


Jeffrey Phillips is manager for Adam Kokesh, a corporal in the United States Marine Corps and a veteran of the Iraq War who posted a controversial YouTube video of himself loading a shotgun in Freedom Plaza in the District of Columbia in open defiance of DC law. In the 23-second video, titled "Open Carry March on DC a Success," as the Capitol looms in the distance, Kokesh loads the shotgun while addressing the camera. On the evening of July 9 a U.S. Park Police SWAT team raided Kokesh's house in Herndon, Virginia, executing a search warrant for the shotgun and raw footage from the July 4 video. Kokesh was taken to the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and charged with two felonies.


Past Shows:

  • Dulles Brothers / Kokesh Case

    In the first half, John B. Wells was joined by Stephen Kizner, award-winning foreign correspondent, for a discussion on the extraordinary lives of John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, two immensely powerful brothers who led the US into a series of foreign adventures which are...More »

Last Night

Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.


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