Dr. George Pratt

Dr. George Pratt


Dr. George Pratt is a licensed clinical psychologist with a private practice in La Jolla, CA where he has specialized in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, mind/body techniques and performance enhancement for over 30 years. Dr. Pratt has served as Chairman of Psychology, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla for 10 years and has been on staff for over 20 years. He is a Fellow and Certified/Approved Consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and is Past-President of the San Diego Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is a Diplomate of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and the American Academy of Pain Management.

Dr. Pratt is adjunct faculty of the University of California, San Diego. He is co-author of Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure for the Emotions, A Clinical Hypnosis Primer, and Hyper-Performance: Release Your Business Potential. He has been a repeat guest on Larry King Live and is a voting member for the Grammys.



Past Shows:

  • Code to Joy

    Clinical psychologist Dr. George Pratt offered advice about how to unlock happiness in your life. In the first hour, Alan Collinge commented on student loan debt forgiveness.More »
  • Strategies for Optimism / Channeled Messages

    Dr. George Pratt discussed how to be healthy and optomisitic. Paul Selig spoke on his spirit guides and the books he has dictated from them.More »
  • Dangers of HPV Vaccine / Suicide Epidemic

    Mary Holland and Kim Mack Rosenberg detailed the dangers of the HPV vaccine. Followed by Dr. George Pratt on the suicide epidemic and emotional healing.More »
  • Psychology & Resolutions / Death & Parapsychology

    In the first half, clinical psychologist Dr. George Pratt, shared tips for helping people achieve goals, as well as emotional well being. In the latter half, PhD researcher Cal Cooper talked about his work in parapsychology including telephone calls from the dead, links...More »
  • Emotional Healing / Planet X

    In the first half, clinical psychologist Dr. George Pratt talked about techniques for achieving emotional and psychological well being. He noted that stress, which releases the hormone cortisol, can suppress the function of the immune system. In the latter half, publisher...More »
  • Energy Psychology

    Joining John B. Wells, clinical psychologist Dr. George Pratt discussed how traditional psychology focuses solely on the mind, but he has found that the most remarkable personal transformations happen through using the body's energy systems to eliminate buried emotional debris. ...More »

Last Night

Quantum Physics & the Bible / ET Encounters
Quantum Physics & the Bible / ET Encounters
Writer Keith Giles discussed the Gospel of Thomas and its relationship to quantum physics. Followed by reporter Cheryll Jones presenting her interview with speaker and author Rebecca Renfroe, who shared her various ET encounters.


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