Gary Spivey

Gary Spivey


Gary Spivey is world-renowned for his psychic talent. His uncanny ability to predict future catastrophic events has earned him the nickname of the modern day Nostradamus. His gift to communicate with those on the other side and see beings in other dimensions was discovered at the age of 7.



Past Shows:

  • Demon Blocks & Spiritual Healing

    Broadcasting live from the OnStar studios in Detroit, George welcomed world renowned psychic Gary Spivey during the first half of the program. Open Lines followed. The final hour was a rebroadcast from April 16, 2004.More »
  • Trilogy: Prophecies & Visions

    A trilogy of guests separately presented their visions, prophecies, and insights. Appearing in the second hour, Father Andrew Wingate offered his latest End Times-associated revelations. In the third hour, visionary Halina Kacicki discussed her experiences with orbs and other...More »

Last Night

Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Michael Katz is the founder of Gemisphere, which was born out of his unique research on the healing power of gemstones. He joins Connie Willis (info)  to reveal how he and his wife were taught lessons from teachers on the Other Side about the wisdom and meaning of each gemstone....


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