James Van Praagh

James Van Praagh


James Van Praagh is a # 1 New York Times Bestselling author and arguably the most famous and successful medium of our time. James is world renowned for his extraordinary ability to communicate with the spirits of men, women, and animals who have died. He has been the host of his own television show, Beyond , and a featured guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live and countless other radio and television shows. Over the past 20 years, James has spoken to thousands of people through his lectures, demonstrations, and spiritual tours.



Past Shows:

  • Spirit Communication / Mind Power & Time

    Medium James Van Praagh discussed the afterlife and his communications with spirits. Followed by author Anthony Hamilton on how the mind is like a time machine.More »
  • Bohemian Witchcraft / Spiritual Medium

    Bohemian witch Veronica Varlow shared how she infuses Czech-Romani magic with her own signature sorcery. Followed by medium James Van Praagh on spirituality and mediumship.More »
  • Contact from the Other Side / Atlantis, Timelines, & Predictions

    Arielle Ford and James Van Praagh talked about contacts with Arielle's deceased sister Debbie. Followed by Tom T. Moore on Atlantis & past lives.More »
  • Student Loans/ Spirit Guides

    Allan Collinge detailed the spiraling student debt problem. Followed by James Van Praagh on working with spirit guides.More »
  • Cosmology/ Love & the Afterlife

    Neil deGrasse Tyson discussed the latest research and discoveries in astrophysics. Followed by James Van Praagh on the transformative energy of love.More »
  • Dearly Departed Special #2

    We have mourned the loss of many Coast to Coast AM guests but tonight George Noory remembered and celebrated the contributions from some of our favorite departed guests with highlights from their best interviews. First hour guest, medium James Van Praagh addressed such...More »
  • Financial Trends / Spirits & Afterlife

    In the first half, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts appeared in studio, for a discussion about the top financial trends impacting Americans. She noted that after decades, interest rates are beginning to trickle upward, which could affect mortgages, credit cards, and the...More »
  • Money & Currency / The Afterlife

    In the first half, contributing editor at Wired, David Wolman, discussed the history of cash money, the liabilities of it and why people are so attached to physical, paper currency. In the latter half, medium James Van Praagh spoke about the afterlife, as well as his...More »
  • Meteors & ETs, Other Side, & Open Lines

    Appearing during the second hour, publisher and extraterrestrial researcher Thomas Hackney (book link) discussed his research on SETI, and the uncanny string of coincidences surrounding comet and meteor strikes. First hour guest, psychic medium James Van Praagh shared...More »
  • Communications from Spirit

    Psychic medium James Van Praagh returned to discuss such topics as spirit guides, souls, healing, and messages from the Other Side. First hour guest, reporter and astrologer Eric Francis talked about why the rare Venus transit across the sun on Tuesday night is a turning...More »
  • Spirit Communications & the Afterlife

    For the past 25 years James Van Praagh has used his powerful paranormal experiences to help people bridge the gap between the Earth plane and other worlds. He discussed his explorations into the afterlife, and his communications with spirits of the deceased. First hour...More »
  • Children, Heaven, & Spirits

    Renowned medium James Van Praagh discussed his explorations into the lives of children in heaven, and the journey of a child’s soul to heaven. First half-hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Charles Shults shared an update on his research into the 'fossils'...More »
  • Gulf Disaster / Psychic Mediums

    In the first half of the program, George Noory was joined by Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion on the potential catastrophic dangers that could result from the accumulation of methane in the Gulf. In the latter half, medium James Van Praagh returned to C2C and...More »
  • Communicating with the Deceased

    Medium James Van Praagh discussed his encounters with spirits of the deceased, their perceptions of the Other Side, their unfinished business and regrets, and their advice for the living. Last hour guest, intelligence analyst Ryan Mauro talked about security and...More »
  • Messages from Spirit

    World renowned medium James Van Praagh discussed what the spirits of the dead have shared with him about the Other Side, and how we, the living, can benefit from their experiences. First hour guest, paranormal researcher Rebecca Hardcastle discussed her concept of...More »
  • Secret Door VII

    In our 'Secret Door' Thanksgiving special, a variety of guests made surprise appearances. First through the door were the Psychic Twins, Terry & Linda Jamison who shared some of their predictions. They foresee advances in health care for 2009, including breakthroughs for AIDS,...More »
  • Ghosts & the Spirit World

    Celebrated medium James Van Praagh returned for a discussion on his encounters with ghosts and the spirit world, as well as his psychic intuitions. Everyone is mediumistic to some extent and can channel energy from the spiritual dimension or their higher self, he declared. When...More »
  • Rebroadcast: James Van Praagh from 12/20/03

    In a replay from 12/20/03, Art Bell chatted with medium James Van Praagh about spirit communications.More »
  • Talking with Spirits

    World renowned medium, James Van Praagh returned to the show to discuss spirit communication and psychic intuitions. From his contacts with those who have passed over, he has concluded that the "other side" is a place of "peace and joy."More »
  • Communicating with Spirits

    World renowned medium James Van Praagh discussed the death process, reincarnation, soul-mates, and communicating with spirits.More »
  • James Van Praagh

    Van Praagh is recognized as one of the foremost mediums in the world today. Using his talents as a medium, he has not only helped the bereaved reach their lost ones and find peace, but he has also illuminated the mysteries of death, the afterlife, and rebirth.More »

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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