Red Elk / Dr. Steven M. Greer

Hosted byArt Bell

Red Elk / Dr. Steven M. Greer

About the show

Red Elk is a self-described half-breed Native American from both the BlackFeetand Shoshoni Nations as well as part Irish and French. He is a member ofHeyoka (hi - OH - kah) a Contrarian group of Native American lost boyswhich he is one of the twelve inner Heyoka. Red Elk is one of the last ninemembers of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding toEarth.

First hour guest: Dr. Steven M. Greer M.D., an emergency physician and Founder/Director of The Disclosure Project is widely regarded as the world's foremost authority on UFO's and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The disclosure Project has over 450 government, military, intelligence community and defense contractor witnesses testifying to their direct, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology and the illegal coverup keeping this issue secret.

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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