The Killshot

Hosted byArt Bell

The Killshot


  • The Meaning of Crop Circles
  • When is the Killshot?
  • About the show

    During Saturday's show, the world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Major Ed Dames, discussed what he calls the "Killshot," a series of solar flares that he and his remote viewing research team believe will hit earth causing an extreme amount of destruction and death.

    According to Dames, the harbinger of this catastrophic event will be when the Space Shuttle program is grounded due to meteor showers. He said Earth's population will have only three months after this to get to designated survival zones. Dames revealed that survival zones are marked by crop circles, which he believes were created by an "alien agency." In North America, the most survivable areas are in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Dames concluded. For more info, visit

    Dames also mentioned his upcoming feature film, Suspect Zero (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), on which he serves as technical consultant and plays the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor.

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