The Tall White ETs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Tall White ETs


  • Description of the ETs
  • Spacecrafts & Military
  • Aliens in Las Vegas
  • About the show

    Charles Hall recounted stories from his many meetings with alien beings that he referred to as the 'Tall Whites,' which he said took place from 1965-7, while he worked as a weather observer at Nellis AFB in Indian Springs, Nevada. Journalist Paola Harris also appeared on the show, discussing her investigation into Hall's case, which she's been impressed with because of the high level of detail in his accounts.

    According to Hall, the aliens were thin and frail, with skin as white as paper. They had less hair than humans, but their hearing and vision surpassed ours. They could live up to 800 years old, he said, and as they got older, they grew taller, up to 8 or 9 ft. The sound of their language resembled dog barking or bird calls, but they were capable of learning to speak English, he stated.

    Hall said the Tall Whites had an accord with the Air Force and shared technology with them. Earth was a kind of "way station" or airport for them, and they constructed their smaller scout crafts here. Most curiously, he noted the extraterrestrials were allowed to go off base on occasion. Disguised as humans, they particularly liked visiting Las Vegas, where he said they would gamble at casinos such as the Stardust and tell people they were from "Northern Spain." He also conjectured that some ghost reports may actually be sightings of the ethereal looking Tall Whites.

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    Above is a drawing made by Teresa Barbatelli depicting the 'Tall White Extraterrestrials' that Charles Hall said he encountered.

    Charles further commented:

    "The man it most resembles was perhaps 6 feet 4 inches tall and was equivalent in age to a human man in his mid forties. That particular Tall White man had eyes larger than a human's and his eyes were very expressive. His eyes showed much more emotion than was usually the case. He also had an unusually relaxed or pleasant disposition.

    Like all Tall White men his age, His eyes were blue with some pink showing where humans have white. His hair was nearly transparent platinum blond and his skin was, as usual, as white as a piece of paper. He appeared to be in excellent health."

    ---Charles James Hall

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