Crop Circles, Consciousness & Phenomena

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Crop Circles, Consciousness &  Phenomena


  • Sources of Crop Circles
  • Plasma Lights
  • Flying Humanoids & UFOs
  • About the show

    UFO/Crop Circle researchers, Ed & Kris Sherwood shared their evidence and analysis of various phenomena. Crop circles have been man-made since 2001, Ed declared, and since 1990 less than 10% have come from non-man-made sources. The Sherwoods believe that the 10% of genuine formations come from either ET or "cosmic" sources.

    Ed went on to explain that in the case of cosmic or divine sources, there is interactivity with human consciousness in the creation of the circles. "It's like a poltergeist on a global scale," he said.He also noted that in the case of ET-made circles there are severe effects such as the burning of soil and plants, but in the cosmically created patterns, there are few signs of damage.

    Ed discussed his interactions with a 15-20 ft. plasma light that emitted a high frequency sound. He said he is sometimes able to sense when luminous energy is forming and can interact with it via his consciousness. Such plasma can be associated with the formation of crop circles. The Sherwoods also shared reports of "flying humanoids" in Mexico and the U.S. Ed said he photographed an aprx. 7-ft. tall being that they spotted flying in Santa Monica, California. The flying being that was photographed in Mexico, while appearing similar, looked as though it may have been sitting on an object, he detailed. For more, see a set of images the Sherwoods sent in.

    Astronomy Update

    First hour guest, Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute presented an astronomy update. The paradigm has shifted away from building huge telescopes like Arecibo, and towards creating arrays of smaller radio telescopes. This is less costly and allows for a greater scan of the sky, he explained. For an update on the building of the Allen Telescope Array, click here.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
    UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
    Author and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli updated his work on the interplay between supernatural phenomena, UFOs, and biblical prophecy. Followed by psychic Loren Cielo on his journey into the world of past lives and metaphysical understanding.


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