The Hollow Earth

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Hollow Earth


  • Hollow Earth Theory
  • The Inner Earth
  • Inner Environment & Inhabitants
  • About the show

    Father and son researchers Kevin & Matthew Taylor presented their Hollow Earth theory, which includes the idea that there is an inner sun and a "perfect environment" for supporting life inside the Earth. In fact, the Taylors contend that beings, thousands of years ahead of us evolved there, and orchestrated humanity's development. "I believe UFOs, gods and Inner Earth people are all one thing," said Kevin.

    The Taylors painted a picture of the inner world:

    • Because there is little to no gravity, trees and other life forms grow much taller or bigger.
    • There is constant warmth and daylight from the radiating sun.
    • A shallow ocean travels through the land masses.
    • The visual perspective is much different than here as there is no horizon. Continents appear to float in the clouds.

    Planets the size of Earth and Mars evolve to become hollow and then expand under their own gravitational power, explained the Taylors. They also related that the Great Flood from the time of Noah was created by the Hollow Earth inhabitants who released the water in a careful manner in order to correct an imbalance and guard against a potential meteor impact.

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