Billy Meier: ET Contacts

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Billy Meier: ET Contacts


  • Planes & Explosives
  • Meier's Evidence
  • ET Splinter Group
  • About the show

    American representative for the Billy Meier contacts, Michael Horn shared details of the Swiss farmer who's had contact with ETs for over 65 years, and outlined some of the prophecies he's made. The beings Meier interacted with call themselves the Plejarens, and allegedly they gave him metal samples. The scientist Marcel Vogel said one of the samples contained a rare earth element called thulium, which would have been exceedingly difficult for Meier to have acquired, Horn reported.

    An undersea sound expert was played audio that came from the "wedding cake" UFO (see photos below) and without seeing the photo, he drew a sketch of an object that he thought would make such a sound. The illustration was quite similar to the UFO photo, said Horn. Audio from a Plejaren "beamship" can be heard here.

    Numerous assassination attempts have been made on Meier, Horn revealed, including two by ETs-- one involving synthetic lightning, the other sonic weapons.These extraterrestrials hail from the same place as the Plejarens, but belong to a negative splinter group that has influenced our religions and world leaders, he said. Meier has reportedly made many prophecies concerning a rise in natural disasters, disease and war. Click here for a rundown.

    Lawsuit: Airlines & Explosives

    First hour guests, pilot Field McConnell and forensic economist David Hawkins spoke about McConnell's lawsuit charging that many Boeing jets are illegally modified to contain remote controlled explosives. They cited the United 93 flight and more recently the Adam Air 547 flight as examples of where such explosives were used. For more on the lawsuit, see this article.

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