Earth Changes & Craft Propulsion

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Earth Changes & Craft Propulsion


  • New Propulsion
  • About the show

    Research physicist and author Stan Deyo discussed earth changes and climate concerns, as well as new developments in aerospace propulsion for the flying saucer he is building. He sees major earth changes beginning now and continuing for the next decade, brought about by the oceans heating up in concert with sunspot activity.

    Hopi prophecy says we should prepare for major floods, and volcanic eruptions along the West Coast. They also speak of a coming two-week or so interval where people should hide in caves to escape intense sun exposure and heat. Temperatures could rise as high as 130 degrees, and there'll be huge winds and fires, Deyo recounted.

    The saucer-shaped craft he's developing will be able to fly both in the air and underwater (see concept images below), Deyo said. Powered by a new kind of propulsion that works with the physical space that is ahead of the craft, he hopes to have models ready by next year.

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