Physics, Space & Being

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Physics, Space & Being

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours,Nobel Prize winning physicist Prof. Frank Wilczek discussed theoretical physics, and the hidden structures of space and reality. The search is on for a unified theory that will connect the four known forces in the universe, and uncover nature at its smallest component, he said. The foundation for nature is what he calls 'The Grid,' an entity that fills all space. Space itself (containing dark energy) has pressure and density, which makes it quite tangible, he noted.

One of the most fascinating questions to Wilczek, is how the rules of the quantum world give rise to mind and inner experience. Helooks forward to tests at CERN with the Large Hadron Collider to reveal new kinds of particles and interactions.

Wilczek also shared his theory that humans are "transitional forms." We can think, reason, and create but not very well, he said-- but our descendants, who'll advance with technology, will have what would appear to us as "god-like powers."

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

Bailout Commentary

First hour guest, radio host Andre Eggelletion commented on the $700 billion federal bailout plan, calling it "nothing short of Marxism for the plutocracy." It's the biggest grab for power since the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, he said.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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The Greys & Alien Abduction / Open Lines
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