Legend Tripping & Haunted Spots

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Legend Tripping & Haunted Spots

About the show

Paranormal researcher Chad Lewis spoke about the popularity of 'Legend Tripping' where young people seek out locations of paranormal activity as a rite of passage. Legend tripping often involves undertaking some type of dare associated with the haunted nature of a site, in a kind of "nervous bravery," he explained. Lewis described a number of his favorite trips:

  • Dartford Cemetery (Green Lake, Wisconsin): For those who dare to sit on top of a haunted mausoleum, the spirits of those buried inside are said to push the person off.
  • Robert the Enchanted Doll (Key West, Florida): Bad luck is said to follow if you take the 100-year-old doll's photo without asking (see images).
  • Spirit Mound (Vermillion, SD): Legend states that if you try to climb the mound, you may encounter "little devils" armed with arrows.
  • The Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery (Iowa City, Iowa): It's said if you stare directly at the angel you will be cursed with bad luck, if you kiss in front of it you will die within a week, and that the statue blackens each year from the souls it harvests.

He also detailed his investigations at a recent crop circle in Minnesota, and his trip to Transylvania. He found many in Transylvania still believe in vampires and they suggested taking precautions such as driving a stake through a deceased person's heart so they don't come back to haunt you.

Alien Implant Update

First hour guests, Dr. Roger Leir and Whitley Strieber discussed alien implants. Strieber shared his account of having a possible implant in his ear, which Dr. John Lerma was unable to completely remove, as the object moved away from his tweezers. Leir reported he's been gathering data on his implant removal surgeries for a full-scale scientific review being independently conducted.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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