Inside 'The Family'

Hosted byIan Punnett

Inside 'The Family'

About the show

Researcher Jeff Sharlet discussed the frightening connection between power and fundamentalism in a secretive cult called "The Family", that teaches Washington lawmakers that people chosen for leadership are above morality. "The word that they like to use is 'invisible,'" he said of the organization which includes both Republican and Democratic politicians and judges. Sharlet stressed, "This is not a left-right issue, this is a secret group issue."

He detailed the roots of the organization, beginning in 1935 when the founder of the group had a visitation by God and was told that he must be "the missionary to and for the powerful." According to Sharlet, one of the guiding principles behind "The Family," both then and now, was that "democracy is finished." As such, the goal of the organization is to usher in an "age of minority control," which would, of course, see the group members as that controlling minority. Chillingly, this agenda culminates in the return of Jesus only after "a thousand years of government according to His order through them."

Sharlet also revealed some of the political machinations of "The Family," beginning with their attempts to destroy labor unions in the 1940's. He explained how the motivation behind this action was because the group believed that "any attempt by working people to improve their situation is an affront to God." However, it is in the international sphere where "The Family" yields much of it's power, Sharlet said. He noted that they are responsible for a lot of legislation which sends money to countries rich in natural resources but also led by brutal dictators whom "The Family" also deem as "chosen by God."

Cave System Beneath Giza

In the first hour, author Andrew Collins provided details about the system of caves he discovered beneath the Giza Pyramids. He described the cave complex as a natural system stretching for "at least several hundred yards" and "tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years old." Regarding his exploration of the caves, Collins said the underground world was infested with bats as well as the highly venomous White Widow spider. While he believed the system originally carved by water, his investigation suggests that "here and there, these caves have been unquestionably enhanced by human hands."


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