Science, Energy Fields, & Healing

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Science, Energy Fields, & Healing


  • Healing & Torsion Physics
  • Encounters with 'John of God'
  • Ley Lines
  • About the show

    Physicist Claude Swanson discussed his scientific research into such areas as energy medicine and healing, auras, consciousness, and the paranormal. The Princeton Pear Lab has demonstrated that psychokinesis (mind over matter) is indeed real, as well as ESP and remote viewing, he noted. Studies in Germany have shown that DNA creates and receives biophotons, little packets of light that pass through the body. This light creates a hologram or blueprint for how the body is supposed to be growing, he explained.

    The torsion field, a Russian name for subtle energy, is what makes up a person's aura, he continued, adding that energy healers are able to interact with a patient's torsion field. The waves from such a field can travel faster than light, possibly explaining how such practitioners can heal from a remote distance. Swanson also investigated the John of God "spiritist" healings in Brazil. John of God allows "31 different departed priests, monks, takeover his body during the healing," he detailed.

    Swanson also talked about dowsing, which he discovered can successfully be done without the dowser being present at the physical location. It's really a psychic process, he said, with intuitions coming through muscle tension that is amplified by the pendulum or instrument they use. Interestingly, he suggested that ley lines may have been built by ancient societies as a way to carry subtle energies through the ground, which they considered an important part of life.

    The Creative Process

    Last hour guest, sci-fi writer Marc Zicree talked about the creative process and offered tips for novelists, filmmakers, and screenwriters. Meeting people in person can be key to making connections, and he also suggested creating trailers or webisodes for getting your work noticed. Zicree (as well as George Noory) will be appearing at the Rock'n Comic Con in Pasadena, the last weekend in May.


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