Cayce's Prophecies & Insights

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Cayce's Prophecies & Insights


  • Cayce on Mayans & Egyptian Prophecy
  • Communicating w/Cayce & Pole Shift
  • Earth Changes, Hall of Records, & Atlantis
  • About the show

    Director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) since 1969, John Van Auken discussed the "Sleeping Prophet's" visions for the future, as well as his insights into such topics as the Mayans, Egypt, Atlantis, dreaming, and health remedies. The Mayans were comparable to the Atlanteans in terms of their being attuned to "celestial consciousness," but both groups eventually devolved into more war-like states, Cayce said. Interestingly, Cayce's view of seven cycles or ages corresponds with the Mayans, Van Auken noted. Passageways in the Great Pyramid at Giza have prophecies carved in stone, which end in the year 2038, and Cayce concurred that these predictions were for the most part correct, said Van Auken.

    Cayce believed that souls similar to ours exist in different forms in other dimensions and planets, and that it's possible to communicate with them. Further, he said that the human body was evolving into a new form, and that we would eventually have 12 chakras (energy centers) instead of seven. Regarding reincarnation, he suggested that our individual personalities are absorbed back into the soul upon death.

    According to Van Auken, Cayce accurately predicted such events as the Stock Market Crash of 1929, World War II, and the Indonesian tsunami of 2004. His future predictions include a pole shift, and the Great Lakes draining into the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi & Ohio rivers. Cayce gave many medical readings throughout his career, and the A.R.E. offers a free database of some of this information.

    Healthy Living Tips

    Last hour guest, author and speaker Susan Smith Jones talked about how to live healthier through diet and exercise. Green vegetables are a "superfood" and have a strong protective effect against many diseases and ailments, she said. Weightlifting can help a person look younger, and by building more muscle mass, the body burns off increased calories, which helps with weight loss, she noted. Related Link: Blissful Living (PDF file)


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