Alt News, Conspiracies & Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Knapp


Alt News, Conspiracies & Open Lines


  • BP Oil Spill Conspiracies
  • The Robertson Panel
  • A Caller's UFO Experiences
  • Psychotronic Weapons
  • About the show

    Filling in for George Noory, George Knapp welcomed Above Top Secret's Mark Allin, who discussed the hottest alternative news and conspiracies from his website during the first two hours, then stayed on for Open Lines in the latter half of the show. has nearly 200,000 registered members and gets millions of page views annually, Allin remarked, noting that it appeals to people who want to know what's really going on in the world.

    He listed some popular topics from the website, including a thread about something strange hitting every seismograph in the US at the same time (link), another about an alleged NASA-affiliated astronomer deciphering an 'intelligent' signal from space (link), and one asserting that BP has never shown the main underwater oil leak (link). Allin talked about some conspiracies regarding the BP catastrophe, the use of toxic dispersants to dissolve the Gulf oil spill, and what insiders have told him about the "lackadaisical" and "cheap as you can" practices of the multinational oil company.

    Allin also briefly covered advanced mind control weapons, suppressed technologies, and the Robertson Panel (link), a CIA-sponsored group set up to manage the public's perception of UFOs and suppress media coverage of sightings. Several callers phoned in with their own interesting UFO-related stories to share. Joel in Salt Lake City claimed that his grandfather, a brigadier general, worked as a military assistant for Gordon Gray, an alleged member of the MJ-12 group. A caller named Mark recounted a UFO encounter he had when he was sixteen, specifically recalling the eerie silence that occurred before a gigantic black craft with red lights came over his grandparent's house in Kansas.


    Related Articles:

    Check out some of the links that have recently caught George Knapp's attention, including a photo essay of the Gulf oil spill, an editorial on skepticism, an article about a crop circle (pictured, photo by Lucy Pringle/PIN) based on a mathematical formula, and a survey on trucker UFO sightings.

    Trucker UFO Sighting Survey

    A survey was conducted on in April 2008 asking truckers if they had ever seen a UFO. The results, published the same month in Overdrive magazine, show one-third of truckers say they have had at least one close encounter. Full survey results below:

    Have you ever seen a UFO?

    11% - Not sure

    21% - No

    26% - Yes, more than once

    19% - Yes, once

    23% - No, but I would like to

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