Edge Times

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Edge Times


  • 2012, Shifts, & Currency
  • Environment & 'Technosphere'
  • Shamanism & Ayahuasca
  • About the show

    Appearing during the middle two hours, author Daniel Pinchbeck discussed the radical changes happening in society and the world, and where we are headed as we approach 2012. He also touched on psychedelic and shamanic experiences. Evolution has shifted from survival of the fittest to the level of consciousness, culture, and metaphysics, he commented. As we move into alignment with the galactic center, the current paradigm is ending like a snake shedding its skin, and there are great opportunities for change, he continued.

    He suggested that people regain basic life skills, such as farming and herbalism, in the event of some type of upheaval in America, such as outlined in the book Reinventing Collapse by Dmitry Orlov. Pinchbeck also spoke about shifting to a new monetary system that is not based on competition and scarcity. For instance, as Bernard Lietaer has proposed, there could be a trading currency that has negative interest which would discourage people from hoarding, and create community bonds. A number of these ideas are explored in the new documentary, 2012: Time for Change, based in part on Pinchbeck's books.

    Shamanism and ayahuasca (hallucinogenic plant) journeys are receiving increased attention. "One of the most beautiful experiences I've had with ayahuasca," said Pinchbeck, was working with the Secoya tribe in Ecuador, where the all shamans lie in hammocks in a temple and sing specific icaros in which "you feel like they're guiding you to different planes or dimensions of reality." A renaissance of psychedelic use in the modern west could be seen as pointing toward a new reformation, returning direct religious experience to the people, he noted.

    The last hour of the show featured 'Sound Off' Open Lines.

    NYC UFO Sighting

    First hour guest, author Timothy Green Beckley reported on the recent UFO sighting over Manhattan. The incident, which has gathered a lot of media attention, began on the morning of October 13th in the Chelsea neighborhood, and lasted for hours, he said. Some witnesses described the object as looking like a "jellyfish made of light," he added. For video, see the related article below.


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