Occult & Magick

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Occult & Magick

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, author and lecturer Lon DuQuette discussed magick and the occult, as well as the work of Aleister Crowley, and material from the Book of Enoch. Different from stage magic, magick is a spiritual art form that "provokes a sense of mystery and wonder," and could be considered a path to enlightenment like TM or Zen meditation, he explained. Addressing the biblical story of fallen angels and the War in Heaven, he suggested these are metaphors for the fall of consciousness and loss of spiritual power that humankind experiences on a cyclical basis.

Solomonic or "low magick" refers to work with demons, and DuQuette recounted his exorcism at a private Catholic girls' school that had been beset by gruesome events, including a nun having a seizure and dying in front of her class. Employing a pendulum, he determined the name of the demonic spirit that was connected to the school, and "evoked the spirit into a triangle." He then systematically banished and cleansed, and sealed off every one of the school's rooms. Behind the incidents, he believes, was a kind of trapped and perverted energy run amok like cancer. DuQuette is also a songwriter and musician. Check out a song he sent us: Last Night I Dreamed of Dead People.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines, with callers sharing bizarre incidents.

Egypt & the Sphinx

First hour guest, lecturer and mystic Gloria Taylor Brown talked about her travels to Egypt, and her theories about the Pyramids and the Sphinx. She believes that the Pharaohs of Egypt wanted to pass down information about how the ancient structures were built, but these details were lost, stolen, or remain hidden. "For me, the Sphinx is the gateway-- the guardian of the secrets of Egypt," and has information encoded in its stones, she commented. "If we use that gateway properly, we have the ability to travel to the stars," she mused.

News segment guests: Katherine Albrecht, Greg Hunter

Bumper Music

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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