Auras & Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Auras & Open Lines

About the show

In the first half of Friday's program, George Noory welcomed author and consultant Pam Oslie for a discussion on auras and what they mean, as well as how our consciousness creates reality. Auras are energy fields that radiate off of everything, Oslie explained, noting how she can both sense and see 14 different aura colors and combinations. All people give off multiple bands of color, she added. The one or two colors closest to the body are the life colors, which typically do not change, Oslie said. The colors in the outer bands can vary as an individual's mood changes or as one focuses on the qualities of certain aura colors, she added. For instance, a person who desires increased wealth and power would focus on bringing the color green into their outer band, she revealed.

Childhood trauma can create a red overlay in the outer band, Oslie continued, pointing to celebrities John Lennon, Richard Pryor, and Rosanne Barr as examples. "Aura colors reflect back the theme that you've chosen for this lifetime," Oslie said, adding that certain aura colors are not necessarily better than any of the other colors. Each color has an in-power (positive) and out-of-power (negative), she disclosed. According to Oslie, anyone can be taught so 'see' aura colors. Violets have the versatility to actually see auras, blues can feel colors emotionally, yellows can sense colors through their accompanying energy fields, and greens need data to indentify aura colors, she detailed.

Oslie spoke about her work helping people find love based on aura color compatibility, as well as her understanding of parallel universes and how consciousness is involved in creating these realities. "I know they're real because I can speak to people who have crossed over," she said, "I can speak to people, past, present, and future." Despite the current challenging times, Oslie indicated that she is optimistic about the universe we presently inhabit, and encouraged listeners to learn how to raise their consciousness to become the fun, playful creatures they are meant to be. Oslie also announced her upcoming speaking engagement at TEDx on 11/11/12.

Open Lines followed, with live calls in the third hour and a replay of caller stories from 10/21/11 in the fourth hour.

News segment guests: Jeffrey Smith and Katherine Albrecht


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