Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts / Inverted Spirituality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts / Inverted Spirituality

About the show

In the first half, authority on the teachings of ancient mystics, Peter Canova, talked about how the recent detection of the previously theoretical Higgs Boson particle bears similarity to how thousands of years ago, mystics described creation and the origin of matter. Physicists, he noted, suggest that as particles pass through the invisible 'Higgs Field' they slow down and acquire mass, which parallels the ancient Greeks' notion of the ether, a penetrating non-material field that filled the universe.

In the ancient Nag Hammadi gospels, the central creation myth referred to aeons-- divine energy currents. One of these currents, Sophia, left the vibration of the divine realm and entered another dimension called Chaos that was filled with unformed proto-matter. Upon entering, her divine energy was slowed and mattered coalesced around her. "This is a shockingly accurate depiction of what's happened in the Higgs Field," Canova commented. He also addressed the work of physicist David Bohm who observed that distant particles were in constant communication with each other. He theorized that at a deeper level of reality, particles don't have a separate reality but are part of a single unity, like a hologram. From this, Bohm extrapolated that our universe is a whole, but the human perspective views things in terms of separate objects.


In the latter half, author Charles Upton, a lifelong student of comparative religion and metaphysics, shared his contention that the Illuminati or globalist elites are attempting to manipulate spirituality to create a system which is the enemy of traditional religions, including Christianity and Islam. A process he called "counter-initiation" is enabling the Illuminati to move toward their plan, and includes syncretism-- the attempt to make one religion out of all religions, and spiritual evolutionism-- the notion that we are evolving to a higher spiritual level, he argued.

If the Illuminati can control a religion the size of Islam or the Catholic church, they can control billions of people, "and at the same time, they don't believe in God, they want the religions deconstructed; they want to do what they can to destroy them," he said. They may start out offering a kind of utopian promise, but then more and more has to be sacrificed to reach their goal, he continued. He also connected aspects of UFOs, Freemasons, and Knights Templar to a dark side of spirituality. For more, visit Upton's YouTube channel, which contains a set of his video talks and commentaries.

News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Robert Zubrin

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