Our Alien Ancestry

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Our Alien Ancestry

About the show

Retired executive, historian and author Robert Steven Thomas presented his contention that an advanced alien species traveled to Earth in our prehistoric past, and co-inhabited the planet with primitive hominids. Studying the research of people such as Zecharia Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken, Thomas concluded that modern man is a result of genetic engineering and the fusion of direct bloodlines from Anunnaki ancestors, resolving the differences between Darwinism and Biblical creation. A lot of the information found in the book of Genesis actually originates in the Enuma Elish, a Sumerian text that predates the Bible by thousands of years, and details how gods came to our planet, he noted.

Thomas diverges from Sitchin on the idea of Nibiru being a planet on a elliptical orbit in our solar system. "I think it's more likely that it was a mothership or artificial planet that came here in search of minerals," he said. Ancient structures seemingly built with advanced technology, such as the mysterious archeological ruins in northwest Bolivia, and the huge stones at Baalbek, suggest the handiwork of ancient aliens or the Annunaki, he continued.

Thomas spoke about a small ancient gold artifact found in Colombia that looks like a prehistoric plane. In the 1990s, a scale model of the "airplane" was created and flown. Several similar artifacts were found in Peru, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. He also discussed the concept of "universal intelligence" as a force of nature, and believes it will one day be established as one of the 11 dimensions predicted by string theory.

New Bull Market

First hour guest, Chief Investment Officer of Damon Vickers and Co. Damon Vickers shared his conclusion that the US is headed into a new bull market. We've had 13 years of multiple bear markets, with many investors throwing in the towel, but in the last several months we've broken out of that pattern, he declared. He foresees a general trend of higher stock valuations, with the market rising to 16,200 this year, and going all the way up to 19,500 within two and a half years.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Richard C. Hoagland


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