Tracking Technology/ AC/DC

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Tracking Technology/ AC/DC

About the show

In the first half of the program, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht reported on tracking technology such as the RFID chip. Recently, there was an announcement by a corporate executive from Target that they're planning to stealthily put RFID tags (tracking chips) on individual store items. Their plan is to introduce the technology at just 12 stores, before rolling out to the entire chain, she cited. What that means is that individual shelves at Target will become RFID readers, she warned, and the problem with that is not only will the shelf be emitting constant electromagnetic radiation, but it can also read your enhanced driver license right through your pocket and glean information about you.

She criticized invasive technologies such as the Google Voice program which listens to everything you say, ostensibly for when you pose a question to it, as well as some Samsung smart TVs that have built-in microphones which can transmit information to third parties. Albrecht connected the rise of the smart watch, and future wearable technologies with 'end times' biblical prophecy related to the Mark of the Beast. She also shared an update about her battle with breast cancer (she is currently in remission), and the dangers of holding cell phones close to your ear/head.


In the latter half, author, rock journalist, and paranormal researcher, Susan Masino, discussed the ups, downs, and fantastic stories of the multifaceted rock band AC/DC. She outlined the band's roots in Australia, their rise to fame in the 1970s, their enormous staying power over the decades, and the darker side of their history. Brothers Angus and Malcolm Young have been in the group since the beginning, and their older brother George, who was a member of the popular 1960s band, the Easybeats, produced their first six albums.

AC/DC was rocked with tragedy when lead singer Bon Scott died in 1980 from alcohol poisoning, just after their huge success with their hit album Highway to Hell. But the band was able to eventually deal with the loss, and replaced Scott with a new singer, Brian Johnson, Masino recalled. She also detailed how when their song "Nightprowler" came out, serial killer Richard Ramirez, known as the "Night Stalker," claimed this song spoke to him directly, though the band was never into Satanic worship. She talked about how Angus Young experimented with different looks and costumes before settling on his "school boy" uniform which he still wears for performances (the band is currently on tour in Europe), as well as how Malcolm Young retired from the group in 2014, as he suffers from dementia.

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