Animal Psychic Enlisted in British Woman's Quest to Reunite with Missing Pet Duck

By Tim Binnall

A British woman whose beloved pet duck went missing earlier this year has enlisted an alleged animal psychic in the hopes that the creature clairvoyant can be of some assistance in reuniting the pair. According to a local media report, the curious case began back in March when Sara Allison discovered that her feathered friend, Ariella, had mysteriously vanished. The animal's disappearance was particularly distressing, she explained, as she had been raising the bird since it hatched from an egg four years ago. "I am her duck mother," Allison declared, "and she is my little baby."

In light of the pair's powerful connection, it should come as no surprise that Ariella's minder has tried all manner of methods to locate her over the weeks and months since she inexplicably disappeared. That commendable quest ultimately led to her to a self-proclaimed animal psychic named Kathy, who claims to have established a connection with the duck. During an initial session, the clairvoyant shared the good news that Ariella still resides in the realm of the living. Specifically, the duck is said to have revealed that she found herself near a small pond where she has managed to survive thanks to a woman who frequently feeds her.

Alas, Ariella provided no clues as to the location of her unexpected new home nor how she wound up there after vanishing so many months ago. To that end, in what sounds like a heartbreaking second session with the pet psychic, Allison described the anguish brought about by the animal's disappearance and wished for them to be reunited. In response, Ariella purportedly replied, "of course, though I am safe and well here so don't worry." While some skeptics may scoff at the creature clairvoyant's claims, given the bond between the bird and her 'mother,' one hopes that the insights are genuine and that they eventually lead to a long overdue reunion for the duo.

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