Video: Peculiar 'Puzzle' Crop Formation Found in England

By Tim Binnall

The latest crop formation found in England features a peculiar 'puzzle' design that has spawned a variety of interesting interpretations. The perplexing piece of agricultural artwork (showcased in the drone video above) was reportedly discovered this past Sunday in the village of Stoke Charity. Decidedly different from the classic crop formation, this particular design features three sets of three trapezoids placed together to form a hexagonal matrix resembling a three-dimensional shape that some have likened to the famed Rubik's Cube puzzle.

Remarkably, crop formation researchers note that by placing a copy of the design turned 60 degrees atop the original piece, one can see that it forms a four-dimensional cube known as a tesseract. This has led to theories that perhaps the picture is a message being conveyed by interdimensional beings attempting to convey a portal. Beyond that, some have suggested that the three sets of trapezoids could represent some kind of interlocking series of staircases, which has drawn comparison to the works of famed Dutch artist M.C. Escher.

Yet another hypothesis put forward by a student of the mysterious crop formations is that the design is a warning of a forthcoming solar flare that "will occur outside the box of current astronomical knowledge." While that could be the case, one hopes that this particular theory turns out to be incorrect. Ultimately, whether the design was meant to be an homage to the Rubik's Cube or M.C. Escher, an interdimensional message, or an ominous sign of what's to come, the creator of the formation, be they alien or human, were wildly successful in getting people to talk about their puzzling piece.

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