In Coast You Missed It 9/22/23

By Tim Binnall

The UFO phenomenon and ETs, animal energies and insights, and the legendary Mothman case were among the fascinating topics explored this past week on Coast to Coast AM. And, here at the C2C website, we told you about a 'ghost bike' filmed in Britain, a bizarre meat mystery in New Zealand, and a man in Belgium who enlisted a lookalike to take his driving test. Check out our round-up of highlights from the past week ... In Coast You Missed It.

Animal energy and insights took center stage on Wednesday night's program as multidimensional channeler Lori Spagna shared details from her telepathic communications with an array of creatures. She explained that pets are particularly beneficial to their owners as they have a way of dissipating or neutralizing energy, which provide balance in one's life. Spagna indicated that our four-legged friends can sense our thoughts in an instinctual manner and argued that living in a state of bliss is most beneficial to these animals. During her appearance, she also recounted an experience wherein she communicated with an elephant and revealed that the majestic creatures actually have access to the Akashic records, which provides them with knowledge of our planet's history.

This past week featured a pair of particularly weird mysteries that left us scratching our heads, beginning with an incident in Arizona wherein a woman felt her home shake when something fell from the sky and struck the top of the house. While there was considerable damage to her roof, she could find no sign of the seemingly sizeable object that plummeted from above and caused the commotion. Later in the week, authorities in New Zealand expressed dismay over a mischievous individual who has been dumping hundreds of pounds of meat into the public trashcans of two neighboring communities. To date, the mysterious miscreant has disposed of nearly 1,500 pounds of unwanted beef and lamb chops over the course of three weeks.

The UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrials many believe to be behind it were a hot topic of conversation this past week on Coast to Coast AM. On Monday night's program, spiritual teacher Vincent Genna discussed his contacts with a cadre of kind-hearted aliens which comprise an 'Intergalactic Council.' Following that, on Tuesday evening, John Milor offered a Christian interpretation of the UFO phenomenon and argued that the fallen angels as well as the Antichrist could be seen at extraterrestrial in that they do not originate from this planet. And, on Thursday night's program, documentarian Barbara DeLong recounted how revelations surrounding the Roswell incident changed the public perception of UFOs.

With spooky season right around the corner, it would seem that the spirit world has already begun to celebrate as this past week featured several stories centered around ghosts. First, in Britain, an peculiar piece of security camera footage featured a bicycle that appeared to move on its own across a medieval market street. Later in the week, a guest staying at a notoriously haunted hotel in Malaysia was forced to abandon his room after a mere 20 minutes due to unsettling paranormal activity that began as soon as he walked through the door. Meanwhile, in Virginia, a unique new store selling ghost-hunting equipment opened for business and a rather odd study determined which American cities one might wish to 'live' in if they were a ghost.

As thousands gathered in Point Pleasant, West Virginia last weekend to celebrate the legendary Mothman, Fortean researcher Nick Redfern joined the program on Saturday evening to discuss the mysterious winged creature that tormented the community in the mid-1960s prior to a bridge collapse which killed 46 people. Since the sightings predated the disaster, he observed, the curious cryptid has since come to be seen as a harbinger of doom and, eerily, he revealed that he has recently heard from more than three dozen people who report having dream of a nuclear blast with Mothman lingering near a mushroom cloud. As to the nature of the curious cryptid, he noted that it could actually be some kind of supernatural entity rather than a flesh and blood animal.

By far the weirdest story of the week emerged out of Belgium where a man grew so fed up with failing his driving exam that he actually enlisted an impersonator to take the test for him. Upon moving to the country, Ghanaian national Serge discovered that his license was not recognized there and so he set about obtaining the proper paperwork. However, for reasons unexplained, the would-be motorist somehow failed his test a staggering 12 times. Desperate to get out on the road, he concocted a scheme wherein a friend who looked like him would take the exam for him, however it would seem that their resemblance was not as striking as Serge thought, since a worker at the Belgium DMV quickly sussed out the switcheroo and reported the pair to police.

Coast Insiders can check out all this week's shows as well as the last seven years of C2C programs in our enormous archive. Not a Coast Insider yet? Sign up today.

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