Ohio Man Finds Trail of Bigfoot Tracks?

An Ohio man suspects that he may have stumbled upon a set of Sasquatch tracks stretching across a snowy field. According to a local media report, Steve Green made the peculiar discovery last month as he was driving along a road in the community of West Union. His trip took a wondrous turn when he passed a snow-covered field and spotted an unusual trail of markings. "What caught my attention right away was the length between the tracks," Green recalled, "I tried to mimic the stride, and it was nearly impossible without jumping."

Stopping to get a better look at the tracks (which can be seen here), he observed that they were six feet apart and each marking measured around seventeen inches long. Likening the single-file tracks to the gait of a tightrope walker, Green marveled that "whatever made those prints had to be extremely tall and heavy." While the seasoned outdoorsman stopped short of outright saying the markings were made by Bigfoot, he mused "I know what deer, coyote, and human tracks look like. These prints didn’t match anything I've ever seen before."

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