Richard C. Hoagland Images 3/10/25

In tandem with his 3/10/25 presentation, Richard C. Hoagland shares a set of images and descriptions related to recent Moon missions. Note: Due to technical difficulties, this interview was postponed.

1) Pictured above-- Intuitive Machines' "Athena" lunar lander (left) in orbit of the Moon, with a visibly "distorted Earth" (upper right) seen just above the lunar limb. Note the bluish "haze" all along the Moon's curved (and equally distorted) optical horizon; according to Richard C. Hoagland, these effects are caused by an "ancient, lunar glass dome around the Moon ...", not only scattering sunlight IN the dome, but visibly distorting Earth's reflected sunlight passing through its surviving upper levels, as seen from the spacecraft's close-in orbit.


2) A closer view of "the ancient, layered, lunar glass dome above the Moon ..." -- as seen by the Athena spacecraft before its failed attempted lunar landing; according to Richard C. Hoagland, Athena crashed (the second Intuitive Machines' lander to do so, in a year) because of the "direct interfering effects of this ancient glass structure" on its instruments, in the last few seconds before landing. According to Hoagland: "note, again, the heavily distorted Earth (upper right) refracted THROUGH the dome's otherwise now invisible upper levels ...."


3) Close-up of both the "ancient lunar dome's" surviving densest levels just above the Moon, as well as its visibly "severe refractive effect" on the image of the Earth, seen through its eroded upper levels ....


4) Last image (left) sent to Earth from Intuitive Machines "Athena" lunar lander, after it physically tipped over upon touching down on the Moon. According to Richard C. Hoagland, the malfunction was caused by "massive interference from the dome in the final seconds of the Athena attempted landing." Hoagland adds: "the right-hand image is a simple brightness and contrast increased version of the Athena surface image on the left -- clearly showing the 'sparkling, prismatic effects' of the trillions of surviving glass fragments still present in the dome above Athena's southern lunar landing site."


5) Enhanced full version of Athena's "last picture show," showing -- according to Richard C. Hoagland -- "The Moon's ancient lunar dome arching above Athena's southern lunar landing site, reflecting a 'thousand, million prismatic sparkles' from the remaining shards of glass ... still present in the dome." A "quarter Earth" can be seen "shining through the glass" between the lander's upturned legs, just above the nearby lunar horizon ....


6) One previous unmanned lunar spacecraft has transmitted "color images of a total solar eclipse, as seen from the surface of the Moon, back to Earth" -- the 1967 mission of Surveyor 3 (above left). As can be seen here (above right), when simply enhanced in brightness and contrast, the "trillion prismatic sparkles of glass fragments still remaining in the ancient lunar dome," according to Richard C. Hoagland, "can easily be seen still arching overhead ... BETWEEN the distant Earth and the actual surface of the Moon!" This spectacular scene, according to Hoagland, should be repeated again LIVE Thursday night/Friday morning, as "billions of people watch this stunning celestial drama play out overhead ... on social media all around the Earth ...."

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