Video: 'Conjuring' House Worker Fired Over Bizarre Dispute Involving Site's Resident Ghost

By Tim Binnall

A former employee of the infamous Conjuring House says the establishment's owner fired him because, she claimed, the site's resident ghost had accused him of stealing. The truly bizarre workplace dispute reportedly came about last month when Jacqueline Nuñez, who owns and operates the purportedly haunted Rhode Island residence, dismissed Brian Dansereau from his job as a staff member at the spooky attraction. In explaining her decision, she provided a rather jaw-dropping reason for the unexpected turn of events.

Incredibly, Nuñez told him that the spirit of the home's former owner from the 1800s, John Arnold, had revealed to her, an alleged psychic medium, that Dansereau had been "stealing money out of the cash box for the past two months." As one might imagine, the otherworldly accusation astounded the now-former staff member. "I literally stopped," he recalled, "and I had to correct her like, 'John Arnold, one of the original owners?''"

Lest one think Dansereau simply concocted a clever story for why he no longer works at the Conjuring House, Nuñez actually confirmed the fantastic account of his firing to a local television station, specifically saying that her decision was influenced by insights imparted by the spirits that reside at the house. "It does not matter whether you believe in the paranormal or not," she declared, "I and every person is entitled to experiences that bring understanding and meaning to our lives, including being informed or warned about wicked actors and actions."

For his part, Dansereau vehemently denies stealing any money from the business and expressed skepticism about his former boss' strange reasoning. "For a spirit to go after a staff member in that manner," he mused, "I've never heard of such a thing at any haunted venue let alone the Conjuring House." Alas, this is unlikely to be the end of the dispute between Dansereau and Nuñez as he claims that the business owes him approximately $9,000 in back wages, while the haunted homeowner insist that this is not the case. Should the two ultimately wind up having to settle the matter in court, one can only hope that John Arnold will somehow be called to testify.

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