Video: Bigfoot Photographed by Game Camera in North Carolina?

By Tim Binnall

A fantastic game camera photo from North Carolina shows a remarkably clear view of what appears to be a mysterious bipedal creature that some believe could be Bigfoot. The eyebrow-raising image reportedly emerged earlier this week by way of a Reddit post from an individual who claimed to have stumbled upon the picture online. Beyond the assertion that the photo was taken by a game camera in North Carolina, the circumstances surrounding the picture are shrouded in mystery. Be that as it may, the image sparked considerable discussion online as to whether or not it was genuine and, if so, what the weird creature might be.

To that end, some have suggested that the odd animal in the photo is the legendary Bigfoot, possibly looking downward in a fashion that obscures its head. Due to the creature's unusual legs, others have posited that it could be the infamous Dog Man cryptid. Meanwhile, more skeptical observers point to the dubious origin of the image and argue that it is either AI-generated or simply the product of some other kind of digital manipulation wherein the animal in the picture is probably a bear made to look mysterious. With that in mind, what do you make of the tantalizing image? Weigh in with your thoughts at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.

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