Watch: Eerie Humanoid Creature Terrorizes Argentine Town

By Tim Binnall

A creepy video from Argentina purportedly shows an eerie humanoid creature that has sparked panic in a town where the strange entity has been seen on multiple occasions. According to a local media report, the curious case unfolding in the community of Saladillo began when a resident drove past what she thought was a child. However, to her astonishment, the diminutive figure dropped to all fours and followed her car at an incredible speed. The incident became all the more unsettling when she noticed a group of people running away from the creature and crying out that it was chasing them.

Shortly after the motorist's encounter with the entity, police received a report of an odd-looking child dangerously perched atop a wall outside a residence. While speaking with the homeowners, who indicated that their youngster was accounted for, cops were stunned to see the diminutive figure reappear in the perilous spot before vanishing into the night. The pair of peculiar events led to something of a hysteria sweeping through the town and soon footage (seen above) emerged of what was claimed to be the humanoid creature ambling down a road on all fours. That said, some have argued that the video is merely a clever hoax aimed at capitalizing on the furor in Saladillo.

While the veracity of the video is up for debate, it would appear that the sightings and the consternation they have brought about are genuine. To that end, a local firefighter speaking anonymously to a media outlet cryptically indicated that there is "something there" menacing the people of Saladillo. Meanwhile, another witness to the creepy interloper likened the being to a "demonic boy" who walked backward on disarticulated arms. "His head is up as his body moves in an impossible way," the mystified man mused, "it's not a kid. It's a big deal." As for what the entity might be, among the theories put forward by residents are a demonically possessed child, a sinister supernatural being, or a werewolf-like creature known as a lobizon.

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