The Terra Papers


Hosted byArt Bell

A Native American of Hopi and Apache descent, Robert Morning Sky discussed his "Terra Papers," which was based on his college studies on the hidden history of religion and human beliefs, in which he began to search for "a common starting point for most of the religions on the planet."

He said his concept of the Blue Star Kachina (which he described as a "long-tailed star") and its appearance was indicated by the arrival of the comet Hale-Bopp which he believed was "more than just a comet," and heralded the arrival of a figure known as the "Purifier," who would arrive in 2004 as a bright red comet and "cleanse the earth."

Morning Sky went on to say that his research indicated that the essence of God is female and that the divine presence had been regarded as such for much longer in history than the male aspect. A remnant of this idea was in the Hopi culture, which to this day is based on female bloodlines. He added that Art's concept of the "Quickening" was in agreement with the Hopi prophecies. Crop circles, he posited, would never be deciphered unless we start thinking about their creators not as human beings but as the Star People from which we descended. In the second half of his appearance, he took questions from callers. The last hour featured Open Lines.

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